Welcome to the largest naturopathic web site in the world, the Healthiest Secrets of Life

    Bodyscans Testimonials


I started my practice in March, l999. My belief is that if we heal the spirit, the biology will follow. I love my working with the BodyScan and am so impressed with how quickly everything in my practice is coming together.

Elizabeth is a graduate of IABP.


Ayurvedic Medicine   |  Acoustic Cardiograph   |  Bodyscan2010       Stress I   |  Chiropractic
Cold_Cures   |  BodyScan Newspaper Article I   |  Rife Technology  |  Doctors   |  Doctors II   |  E.M.I.
Health   |  Health2   |  Herbal Medicine   |  Herbal Medicine II   |  Index  |  Infratonic Pain Relief
Breath of Life   |  Pain Relief   |  Masters and Millionaires   |  Bodyscan Article II   |  Mineral Infrared Therapy
Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory   |  YOUR Medical Dollars   |  Newspaper Article
Flower Essence Therapy   |  Naturopathic Medicine   |  Naturopathy II   | 
Oregano   |  Oxygen Therapy   |  Contents   |  QXCI   |  Dr. Richard Gerber Testimonial
Psoriasis  |  Endorsements  (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, etc)
Chelation Therapy   |  Masters and Millionaires - eye candy tour

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The MisterShortcut Approach does not diagnose or cure diseases.
What we do is collect information, and, based on Dr. Cohen's thirty-plus years of research and experience,
counsel you on the those approaches and supplements that have proven to be most successful in helping you to regain your natural balance.

These thousands of pages are free for your life,
with the admonition not to do anything significant in your life,
NOW or EVER, without consulting with those doing it the best among us.
There is no shame in asking two, eree or a dozen professionals for opinions.
Looking at how a human lives, luxuriously or simply, is often enough to give a good hint.
Stop leaving critical decisions in the hands of others without multiple opinions.
It really is that simple, and with so many excellent internet resources,
you have no excuse for not learning more about what ails YOU.
Supplementation Presented By The Psychology of Shorresented in this Text.
Publication is made solely to inform readers who have a specific interest in alternative treatments
for every known human disorder, or close to it.

Readers are cautioned against following any course of treatment for any serious disease without medical consultation,
with a reminder that consultation does NOT mean letting someone make life-and-death decisions without your knowledge and consent.
Learn more in order to live more. PARTICIPATE in the decision-making process.
What you used to think was highly technical becomes very real when it hits home.

Raise your quality of life with shortcuts because no drug, no healer, no magic potions cure anybody.
No doctor, no particular bit of water can cure or heal or even, when you get down to it, even treat us.
ALL OF THESE THINGS, both good and bad, serious and risible, can only, at best, help us to help ourselves.
Understanding this may be the healthiest decision of your life. The views expressed herein are those of the author,
who may or may not be the most well-read human in all of history,
averaging a book or more per day for more than thirty years.