Mr Shortcut welcomes you into the great MisterShortcut Approach,
largest website of original content and great shortcuts, with MisterShortcut

Mr Shortcut

Natural Medicines

Healthiest Website Online?

Interactive EyeCandy Shapelinks

Welcome to the EyeCandy Capital of the World

PowerGems Are Great Shortcuts of Self-Empowerment

Masters and Millionaires DO have shortcuts - free for your life

Millionaire?   Use the shortcuts of Masters & Millionaires

Poetry of the Godfather of Shortcuts and EyeCandy

Bodyscan - fine device for the 21st century

The MisterShortcut Approach invites you to be great and save a life at no charge to you

Nice to know you can make a difference
Sponsors of greatness buy 1.1 cups of food for starving people with free clicks to TheHungerSite (no relation to us).
Clicking this food button and the one that pops open you save a life... no charge to you.

What higher function of the MisterShortcut Approach can there be?   What goes around comes around, you Great One!

There are no "if's, and's, or maybe's" about it - you were indeed born to win - so we begin with shortcuts.
Specifically, the best and greatest shortcuts of champions and winners, masters and role models.
There are no shortcuts for pioneers, those who go forth first to tread where others fear to go.

Those who follow pioneers, those smart enough to use their ears twice as much as the one mouth,
who embrace shortcuts as a way of using two eyes twice as much as that one flapping mouth,
are assured of duplicating the results of our masters and millionaires, repeat winners,
by duplicating the specific actions and words of those who repeatedly achieve best.

You are visiting the largest, healthiest, wealthiest website in the world.
The MisterShortcut Approach is, naturally, all about the secrets and shortcuts of great success.
One feature of all great shortcuts is that they do not demand enormous time frames to put in play.
There are more great shortcuts here, most of them hidden in plain sight, than you can ever review.
Nothing comes close.     With over millions of delightfully unique web pages on 1,016 different websites,
Mr. Shortcut wants YOU to succeed, using the great shortcuts of greater people,
our best role models and winners: masters, millionaires, champions and and billionaires.
Although there are painfully few good billionaires, for who really needs thousands of millions,
when there are so many children without food, children who were too stupid to be born to billionaires,
there are seven humans in every one hundred who are good and decent. This is all dedicated to   you.  

MrShortcut set out to build the largest free website on the internet, and exceeded all expectations....
except for those that were self-established, to prove that to you that while we do not always get what we want,
in the long run, we persistently and repeatedly DO tend to get just what we expect. This portends power.

When you know something will surely happen in advance, you get to place your wager long before.
Better yet, you get to enjoy knowing that nearly all of your wagers will pay off nicely.
If you push to extreme, you can strike largely, and you can also strike out largely.
Knowing in advance gives you the specific power to better identify your direction.
Although we do not always get what we want, we DO tend to get what we expect.

This does not mean that mere mental attitude can take the place of underly basic work.
Edison did not credit his own genius for 1,097 patented inventions, most commercially viable.
He identifed success as one percent inspiration, ninety-nine perspiration. You know better than he?
By reading a book or three per day for nearly fifteen thousand days, Mistershortcut got to know masters.

Genius recognizes talent, while mediocrity cannot see beyond itself. That was a genius of MisterShortcut.

Studying and imitating those who do best, dozens and scores of shattered world records, with no one coming close.
This cannot happen by accident, and we can fairly state that those who do it the best know it the best.
Your life and your decisions are profoundly and repeatedly influenced every day that you interact.
That you allow your decisions to be so deeply influenced by others without acknowledging it is bad.
It is easily identified as the single biggest reason you are where you are today, and not "up there."
Rising to the top of your ladder, becoming one of the best in town or best in the world, is so simple.
Remove your number one obstacle and you are assured of high-speed, gratifying results, using shortcuts.
You already know many great shortcuts, you already use many great shortcuts, mostly for minor interests.
The MisterShortcut Approach is about getting you to take the great shortcuts you already know, and milk them.

Instead of waiting for new resources to come your way, you simply assess what you have and give a squeeze.
By making more with the resources you already have, you lower the cost in so many ways, especially time-wise.
Learn more and live more .... in order to give more.
With love,
Mr. Shortcut

Use your MisterShortcut Approach to help feed starving people
Nice to know you can make a difference

If the singular achievement of the MisterShortcut Approach is enticing your clickthroughs, we all win.
Socially-conscious corporate sponsors purchase 1.1 cups of staple food for starving people with free clickthroughs.
When we click this food button and the one that pops open we get to save a human life... at no charge to either of us.
Can you think of a more noble effort for the MisterShortcut Approach to pursue?   What goes around....

Name The Great Shortcuts

Great shortcuts over here and great shortcuts over there,
you need to use great shortcuts if you want to up there,
where the pieces make more sense in the color of great shortcuts,
where the dizzy choices all come quite together,
Look at all great shortcuts, pick and choose with care,
and you'll shine in life through all the kinds of weather.
Good and bad, cold and hot, great shortcuts see you through,
the masters use great shortcuts, pray tell, why shouldn't you?

Funny thing 'bout shortcuts, great and small though they may be,
is that they're great in one respect, they give YOU more history.
Shortcuts save you time in ways you simply might not know,
until you use great shortcuts, all the secrets will stay old.

That's because you're sure you're heard,
all the great shortcuts we find in words,
but action's where the action's found,
when your great shortcuts go to town.
You will not frown, nor as often fall down,
when you take great shortcuts from underneath your crown.

What you know and what you do are night and day, in the book of YOU.
Until they meet and match each other, your dreams, however great, will most likely stay smothered.
Inside your head beneath your cap, great shortcuts do not crackle and snap.
The electric ways of passion unbridled, will let great shortcuts keep you smiling.

Grab your great shortcuts, and give them a try, for I've never seen great shortcuts cause anyone to cry.
Great shortcuts boost all results in your life, and great shortcuts most certainly reduce your strife.

There's a reason you're here, don't let your brain go to dust,
instead pay attention to more great shortcuts.

Welcome to the truly greatest collection of great shortcuts in the world,
the great shortcuts of your own perception of the MisterShortcut Approach.