because identified goals are the only reasonably certain way to get where you wish to go. Otherwise, the world knows, and shows, a reasonable certainty that you end up somewhere else. The MisterShortcut Approach is your tool for getting you where you most want to go, using great shortcuts. Masters & Millionaires HotClick Shapelinks Shame Health The gives us the most solid guarantee we can seek: Investing 15 minutes per day for 365 days runs up to a total of something over five thousand minutes. No matter what human task we might be addressing, ANYTHING that you do with serious focus for 5000 minutes will find you doing it better than 95% of the people around you, and considerably better than you yourself have ever done it, hm? Using the shortcuts of masters and millionaires, we'd like to see you using tools already at your disposal... using them just a bit more. The MisterShortcut Approach guarantee with respect to PowerGems used on YOUR mission: -- You need not send any money to the MisterShortcut Approach, now or ever. Millions of new income? Fine, ten percent. -- Give no less than ten to fourteen minutes each day, we'll get richer together. Is there any part of that you don't understand? Again, -- Use any two or more of the most effective shortcuts AT LEAST several times per day. -- Within days, or at most, weeks, you'll find yourself richer and so much happier. Our fee? Well, after you double your income, the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life hold that you are then under fair obligation to invest no less than ten percent of your income for the rest of your life on whoever YOU believe is worse off than you. Period. Developing or simply finding legitimate places to invest 10% of your current income is one of the many choices you have as shortcuts. Newton's Third Law of Physics states that every action in this universe carries an equal and opposite reaction. One of the 25 most certain truths of life is that the more you give away, the more you get back . For any further questions about this, we suggest you study the laws of gravity, a/k/a: "what goes up, must come down," and "What goes around must come around." We really don't care if you believe this or not: the laws of physics don't change, neither do PowerGems, the absolutely fastest, most effective set of guaranteed shortcuts ever produced by mankind.Every shortcut in The MisterShortcut Approach has been proven and/or observed/written/spoken about, by many thousands of millionaires, mostly self-made. These PowerGems are the shortcuts of masters and millionaires, Olympic champions and billionaires. These are your personal tickets to phenomenal wealth and super-accelerated success in every single human endeavor. You don't care for the pragmatic realties of life? Here's one: Recognizing the MisterShortcut Approach as a potent toolchest in your life means comprehensively absorbing the profitable reality that every second we choose to focus on the unchangeable is a second lost from the fixable.  . Focus on what's wrong, or focus on fixing it Life has unpleasant realities. As with everything, there are only two choices: change it or don't change it. Most of the time, not changing it will specifically cause you more aggravation and pain. Stop and refocus on a single thought. Now stick with it: it's that fast.Repeat it. Silently or aloud; who cares? One may hope that you are already cognizant that no one wants you to be rich more than you do, with the possible exception of your mother. No slight intended there, people do have lives to concern themselves with. Just like you, the immediate needs and desires, concerns and hopes for each individual is generally pursued by and for that individual's benefit, before considering how it will benefit others. The plan here at The MisterShortcut Approach is for you to focus on your needs and desires, your concerns and your goals, in order to attain a significantly better life. THEN, you'll be in a far better position from which to help others.. Until then, we do expect that you'll be like most folks: selfishly focused on.... that's right: s e l f. Sounds uncivil, yet it's the truth. Think about it. Considering that your thoughts and feeling are by their very nature most often focused on yourself, the MisterShortcut Approach teaches that those thoughts are better invested in resolution than in complaining. There's no sense reading past this until you give this thought a good minute's contemplation: Fix the blame, or fix the problem. Focus on what's wrong, or focus on fixing it. Fix the blame, or fix the problem. It's one of the ten huge chasms that separate smart people from brilliant people: What percent of your focus is on finding and implementing the answer... ... and then enjoying the results? The MisterShortcut Approach and the power that underlies it is a never-ending demonstration of the axioms of life, the effective master secrets of the universe. For any and every occasion where you may perceive in your opinion that a particular PowerGem is not "all that," then you do not yet understand even a single level of that PowerGem, so how can you be expected to glean the profits and benefits of multiplie layers of benefit?
Pay attention: from 1992 to 2000, an average of twelve thousand people became millionaires.... each and every week!! Since very little is certain in life outside of our PowerGems, which are synonymous with most of Newton's Laws of Physics, we guarantee that your wealth, health, or any other -- whoops, just about EVERY other -- facet of your life will measurably improve at an accelerated rate.... unless, of course, you have found a way to defy the laws of physics. Please, bring us people who have an urgent desire to succeed, to win, to live well, laugh well, and share with those less fortunate. These hungry people are your leaders for tomorrow. These are the people we most cherish in our quest to empower people to empower themselves. |