Presuming you could believe it possible that 10,000, or 12,000 top corporate leaders were, one at a time AND repeatedly scammed out of a total of millions and millions of dollars, a few hundred dollars at a time,
Brain surgeons and billionaires, Prime Ministers and Presidential surgeons...
Sumner Redstone, Georgette Mosbacher, Joseph Barbera, Arnold Langbo, Robert DiNicola, John Leonis, and so many tens of thousands of other
obviously happy members of Who's Who Worldwide, -- ('obviously' because 40,000 members upgraded and/or renewed their memberships
over a period of six years)-- were all stripped of their membership in the Who's Who Executive Club --- in a single day ---
at the behest of the world's largest, richest, most powerful media and legal publishers: Reed Elsevier. Reed Elsevier, as you may know, owns Lexus Nexis, Martindale-Hubbel, and scores of other companies, many of the Who's Who organizations around the world, including Who's Who in America. Reed Elsevier simply hated the thought of an 'upstart'
Who's Who organization like Who's Who Worldwide Registry coming along and making a laughingstock of Who's Who in America, with a subscriber list of barely twenty thousand. It is clear that Reed Elsevier had to have help from corrupt government influences, beginning with a rather weasel-like U.S. Postal Inspector named
Martin Biegelman, and reaching higher and higher into the judicial and executive branches.
Some smaller chunks 1st time in US History!! Cross-Benjamin Click and believe! Con THESEpeople?
Absolute power certainly corrupts absolutely. | |
There is, I think, an essential difference of character in mankind, between those who wish to do,
and those who wish to have certain things. I observe persons expressing a great desire
to possess fine horses, hounds, dress, equipage, etc, and an envy of those who have them.
I myself have no such feeling, nor the least ambition to shine, except by doing something better than others. I have the love of power, but not of property. I should like to be able to outstrip a greyhound in speed;
but I should be ashamed to take any merit to myself from possessing the fleetest greyhound in the world. I cannot transfer my personal identity from myself to what I merely call mine.
The generality of mankind are contented to be estimated by what they possess, instead of what they are. William Hazlitt 1778-1830 | |
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© Victims of Reed Elsevier All rights reserved. How Reed Elsevier used corruption to crush the world's largest executive club or network ever created, Who's Who Worldwide Registry. Talk about miscarriage of justice! To date, the news blackout has been total.
Wow list of members
Trial Transcripts Plus Mirror Site
Managing Directors Alone Best & Brightest ![]() ![]() |
There are no less than nineteen solid reasons to describe the Who's Who Worldwide Registry trial as being the Worst Federal Trials In America.
Above all is the clear and irrefutable evidence that the Who's Who Worldwide Registry and Who's Who Worldwide Executive Club were crushed by the corruption of Reed Elsevier and select U.S. government officials. As the wise lady said, "Follow the money."
EIGHT YEARS LATER, the author of these 245,000 pages on several hundred different websites -- all relating to The Who's Who Debacle and Tragedy, was ordered to turn himself in to serve a three-year federal prison term AND court-ordered, involuntary subjection to chemical therapy for a period of six years.
Interesting that the judge found him to be so crazy as to require such extraordinary punishment, yet found him quite sane enough to have conducted over a thousand conversations with America's corporate and insitutional leaders, and "scamming them" -- despite the fact that most of them were repeat members of Who's Who Worldwide.
You might stop and cogitate on the previous paragraph.
Go ahead, tell us it's just coincidence that the biggest self-empowerment website on the internet, even with the illegal page-waxing (illegal hacking and erasing) committed repeatedly at the behest and payment of Reed Elsevier, has been subject to more hacking attacks than a hundred other popular websites combined.
This was a rare case, indeed. No crime took place. The largest executive club in history shuttered in a single day. From twenty million dollars per year to absolute zero and beyond.
Reed Elsevier, foreign corporation based in the Netherlands, is the largest publisher in the world, with hundreds of subsidiary companies, including many of the Who's Who publications, along with so many others. Reed Elsevier is about as dirty and corrupt as a company can get. Their cash provides instant access to the influence of federal judges, postal inspectors, as well as some of the superiors of such federal employees.
This was one of the dirtiest trials, if not the definitive dirty trial of the 20th century.
Reed Elsevier illegally crushed the largest executive club in the world, and sent innocent people to jail. Boycott Reed Elsevier, and ask others to boycott Reed Elsevier. No foreign corporation should wield such unholy and cash-rich influence over American civil servants, and the free enterprise system Americans are supposed to Constitutionally enjoy.
Imbalanced Trials of the Century.