Study 172 known U.S. billionaires full-time, as thoroughly as possible. Tapping into scores of different resources, such as libraries, internet, Forbes and Fortune magazines, etc, whittle it down to 4,300 pages of useful information over a period of twenty-seven months.
The answer to question one is more than adequately confirmed from my calls and interviews with several thouand corporate and institutional leaders, mostly in the U.S. During 48 weeks working up to the position of Senior Associate Director of the Who's Who Worldwide Registry, I asked better questions of our country's true masters and millionaires, surgeons and Harvard professors; Presidential physicians and billionaires: the cream of our generation.
Trying to promote neutrality in each question asked, I heard the same words from hundreds, and hundreds, and more hundreds of Presidents and CEO's, engineering wizards and the gentleman near Martha's Vineyard who actually offers up to a thousand different hot, fresh omelets. People who have passionately pursued their dreams into happy, highly productive lives, where getting up and going to sleep are done with a bit more zing, where time spent with family members is far more positive and loving and sharing than it is for those who are too dumb to be grateful, and, for those who are money-focused, developing wealth at far faster rates than the so-called norm.
We're generally unwilling to acknowledge that 80% of our opinions are actually formed by other people, who pass them on to us without our ever having experience in the matter at hand. As a result, we form new opinions based on faulty opinions, never realizing that we create a huge chain reaction that accounts for why 80% of our opinions are without legitimate experiential basis. Eighty percent of all the things you believe, if not more, are based on something that never took place. It would not be unreasonable to say that most of our opinions should be dismissed for lack of empirical evidence. The question becomes, "How many of us have sufficient self-esteem to truly shut up in the presence of excellence?" Those few, perhaps 7 in every 100, who have the wonderful intelligence to simply suspend disbelief for long enough to suddenly see people giving you things that you want and helping you to fulfill your wishes and goals and dreams, are going to enjoy fantastic results in the next day or two. Ok, if you're college-educated, it might take a full week to see big fat results, because you think you know everything, and although you verbally agree with better ideas and better-proven techniques, the majority of all your thoughts focus on the belief that you already know better. For everyone else it's usually just minutes away, hearing the word "yes" again and again, more and more often. Sound sweet? Can you put this to use IF you are one of the seven in every hundred who are smart enough to simply shut up and give it their best try? One of the too-few certainties of this life is that using this particular super-shortcut of more than a hundred self-made billionaires in America produces results faster than any other method ever developed by Mankind. In sum, using this particular shortcut, let's say, one hundred times in the next ten days is absolutely guaranteed to work. Before you get to the 100th, you have either achieved your stated objective, or else you have achieved more towards the successful achievement than you have attained in all the years of your life up until now -- yes, all added up together, as well! Be certain to understand this: more progress towards your best and favorite dream/wish/goal than you've made in all the years of your life added up together up until now. Of one hundred people using this method, approximately one hundred of them will enjoy the sweet fruit of this greatest shortcut specifically identified by self-made billionaires! Within seconds of you turning this one action trait of billionaires into a personal, strongly-held belief that it works, the magic actually begins before you use this wonderful shortcut. Because we know that the laws of physics and logic never change, you can be certain that this one action trait of billionaires will bring you results in as little as ten minutes if you wish. In fact, you can start having more and more people give you whatever you want, in as little as one minute or two. It's that wonderful, it's that powerful. Hoping to have built it up in your mind to a fever pitch of desire, this is now the moment for you to use the power to suspend your disbelief, and simply believe that it's going to work, and work soon. And it also works almost every time you use it, surely more than 9000 times out of every 10,000 tries. You mastered it in the first three to four years of your life, when your wants were so important that you'd actually ask, beg, nag, cry, beseech, threaten, pout, smile, cajole, and then beg some more… until you actually got what it was you wanted so badly. Since that time, you've used this magical power, this super, life-changing action to get what you want from who you want… mostly for unimportant things, and critically vital things. Tell the truth: how many times have you had a two- or three-day deadline, you seemed to have NO IDEA how you would obtain that rent money or school report, or whatever it was. You wracked your brains, thought of all manner of strange ideas and unlikely people to ask for help... and when it's been sufficiently important, you've always come through in that pinch. True, or not? It was never a question of how to get it done. That's right. It has always and without exception been a question of WHY should you get it done. When it's just not that important, you put so little effort into it. When it sounds like "life and death," Lordie, Lordie, do you ever get busy, don't you? Heaven forbid you were struck with some rare disease and your sex organs would absolutely fall off in the next three weeks if you failed to raise a hundred thousand dollars in the next four weeks. So sorry, but we are all certain that you would get busy, wouldn't you? You already know the precise, exact specific shortcut used by all of these self-made billionaires. It's been described repeatedly in the past dozen paragraphs. How ironic and appropriate that, like every definitive piece of wisdom you already possess, knowing it has so little value compared to the value of doing what you know. Perhaps the most notable of tools on this page is worth repeating to someone who is statistically unlikely - to the tune of 93% unlikely - to be smart enough (meaning mentally flexible, continuing to input information from better sources prior to premature exclamation of judgement") to read this page repeatedly. Many great minds work it backwards and live it forwards.
It's observable, it's measurable. That makes it an instantly useful tool for expedited, verifiable results. As Sal Liquori used to say, "Take it whence it comes" which in English means, "take it where it comes from; look at the source." In this case, the source is dozens and dozens and dozens of self-made billionaires. They are doing it better than most everyone else for no better reason than their amused certainty that they are billionaires because they know what they want, they ask more people more times than anyone else around them, and they work their plans backwards in order to live it forwards. From the Prettiest Web Site on the Planet Prettiest Web Site on the Planet II |
Welcome to the MisterShortcut Approach, from Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts to Success. with over one million unique web pages through 1,000 Mister-Shortcut sites, this is The largest personal web site you will ever go to ... and it's all for you This is the MisterShortcut Approach of Winners and High Achievers, Role Models and Leaders |